Phaco Surgery
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Phacoemulsification and standard extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) are surgical methods that remove the cataract as well as the front portion of the lens capsule (anterior capsule).
Phaco Cataract Surgery
A cataract is a painless, cloudy area in the lens of the eye. The lens is enclosed in a lining called the lens capsule. Cataract surgery separates the cataract from the lens capsule. In most cases, the lens will be replaced with an intraocular lens implant (IOL). If an IOL cannot be used, contact lenses or eyeglasses must be worn to compensate for the lack of a natural lens.
Phacoemulsification and standard extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) are surgical methods that remove the cataract as well as the front portion of the lens capsule (anterior capsule). The back of the lens capsule (posterior capsule) is left inside the eye to keep the vitreous gel in the back of the eye from oozing forward through the pupil and causing problems. The posterior capsule also supports the IOL and helps keep it in the proper position. These types of surgery are usually done in an outpatient setting.
Phacoemulsification (small-incision surgery) is the most common type of cataract surgery perfomed by our surgeons at Acuity Eye Centre.
During phacoemulsification surgery:
Two small incisions are made in the eye where the clear front covering (cornea) meets the white of the eye (sclera).
A circular opening is created on the lens surface (capsule).
A small surgical instrument (phaco probe) is inserted into the eye.
Sound waves (ultrasound) are used to break the cataract into small pieces. The cataract and lens pieces are removed from the eye using suction.
An intraocular lens implant (IOL) may then be placed inside the lens capsule.
Usually, the incisions seal themselves without stitches.
Most cataract surgery is done using a topical anesthetic (eyedrops) or a local anesthetic. Local anesthetic may involve a sedative for relaxation followed by an injection beside, under, or inside the eye to block nerves and prevent blinking or eye movement during surgery.
A general anesthetic may be needed for:
- People with extreme anxiety that cannot be controlled with simple sedation or counseling.
- People who are unable to follow instructions during surgery.
- People who are allergic to certain local anesthetics.
- People with other medical conditions that require the use of a general anesthetic.
What To Expect After Surgery
The eye that was operated on may be bandaged for 1 night after surgery. You may wear a protective goggles/shield for about a week. There is normally no significant pain after surgery.
You most likely will need to see the doctor for checkups 1 or 2 days after surgery, and again within a few weeks after surgery. If any complications occur, visits should be sooner and more frequent.
Most people get a new eyeglass prescription about 6 weeks after surgery.
Contact us promptly if you notice any signs of complications following cataract surgery, such as:
- Decreasing vision.
- Increasing pain.
- Increasing redness.
- Swelling around the eye.
- Discharge from the eye.
- New floaters, flashes of light, or changes in your field of vision.
Why It Is Done
The decision to have this procedure is based on whether:
- Your work or lifestyle is affected by vision problems caused by the cataract.
- Glare caused by bright lights is a problem.
- You cannot pass a vision test required for a driver’s license.
- You have double vision.
- You notice a big difference in vision when you compare one eye to the other.
- You have another vision-threatening eye disease, such as diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration.
The surgeon may need to do standard extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) instead of phacoemulsification if the cataract is too hard to be broken up by sound waves (ultrasound).
Fewer than 5 out of 100 people have complications from cataract surgery that could threaten their sight or require further surgery. The rate of complications increases in people who have other eye diseases in addition to the cataract.
Although the risk is low, surgery for cataracts does involve the risk of partial to total vision loss if the surgery is not successful or if there are complications. Some complications can be treated and vision loss reversed, but others cannot. Complications that may occur with cataract surgery include:
- Infection in the eye (endophthalmitis).
- Swelling and fluid in the center of the nerve layer (cystoid macular edema).
- Swelling of the clear covering of the eye (corneal edema).
- Bleeding in the front of the eye (hyphema).
- Bursting (rupture) of the capsule and loss of fluid (vitreous gel) in the eye.
- A detachment of the nerve layer at the back of the eye (retinal detachment).
Complications that may occur some time after surgery include:
- Problems with glare.
- Dislocated intraocular lens.
- Clouding of the portion of the lens covering (capsule) that remains after surgery, often called aftercataract (posterior capsular opacification). This is usually not a big problem and can be treated with laser surgery, if needed. The type of IOL may affect how likely it is to have clouding after surgery.
- Retinal detachment.
- Glaucoma.
- Astigmatism or strabismus.
- Sagging of the upper eyelid (ptosis)
Children and infants
In some children, surgery to remove a cataract that causes a lot of vision loss may be very important in preventing blindness. The most critical period for the development of sight is from birth to 3 months. The earlier cataracts in children are diagnosed and treated, the more likely it is that their eyesight will be protected.
Infants have the highest risk (almost 100%) for cloudiness in the back portion of the lens capsule following cataract surgery. If posterior capsule opacification develops after cataract surgery, a laser procedure or a vitrectomy that removes the posterior capsule may be needed. For that reason, most pediatric cataract surgeries remove the central portion of this posterior capsule during the first operation. This may allow better sight and reduce the need for laser surgery.
If a child has cataracts that are causing a lot of vision loss in both eyes, surgery on the second eye needs to be done within a few weeks. As in adults, only one eye is operated on during each surgery. This decreases the chance of complications occurring in both eyes at the same time.
Because of infants’ rapid eyeball growth and for other reasons, some surgeons don’t use IOLs in infants. Instead, an infant will wear a contact lens to replace the lens that is removed from the eye. If surgery can be delayed until the child is 1 to 2 years old, the surgeon may be able to use an IOL to replace the lens in the child’s eye. Surgery cannot always be delayed, though, because of the risk of amblyopia and permanent vision loss.
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