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Foreign Body Sensation

Foreign Body sensation inside the eye

Foreign Body Sensation

Foreign Body Sensation

What is foreign body sensation in the eye?

Sharp pain in the eye followed by burning, irritation, tearing, and redness.
Feeling that something is in the eye when moving the eye around while it is closed.
Scratching sensation over the eye when blinking.

What are the common caused of foreign body sensation?

It can be caused by a number of different things. Although it could be caused by a particle on the surface of the eyes, the two most common causes are dry eyes, or an inflammation in the eyelids called blepharitis. Other causes include conjunctivitis or other inflammatory conditions of the ocular surface that occur on the eyelids, eyelashes, conjunctiva, episclera, sclera, or cornea.

What should be the line of treatment in case of foreign body sensation?

One should avoid rubbing the eye. The simplest method of treating this is with artificial tears.
Other initial treatments could include warm compresses with a warm washcloth or eyelid scrubs with cotton tip applicator and some baby shampoo in warm water.
Of course,

if you believe there is actually a foreign particle in your eyes then you should have a complete exam by an Eye specialist.

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